You can copy / paste the code below if you’re having issues with typos or want a shortcut. However I recommend that you follow along in the tutorial to understand what is going on!
This tutorial continues to build upon the script I wrote in the previous tutorial. The updated script can be found below:
import P3picam
import picamera
from datetime import datetime
from subprocess import call
from time import sleep
from cookieClient2 import transmit
from cookieAnalog2 import getTemp
motionState = False
picPath = "/home/pi/Desktop/cookie/images/"
sleepTime = 3
triggerTemp = 20
def captureImage(currentTime, picPath):
# Generate the picture's name
picName = currentTime.strftime("%Y.%m.%d-%H%M%S") + '.jpg'
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (1280, 720)
camera.capture(picPath + picName)
print("We have taken a picture.")
return picName
def getTime():
# Fetch the current time
currentTime =
return currentTime
def timeStamp(currentTime, picPath, picName):
# Variable for file path
filepath = picPath + picName
# Create message to stamp on picture
message = currentTime.strftime("%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M:%S")
# Create command to execute
timestampCommand = "/usr/bin/convert " + filepath + " -pointsize 36 \
-fill red -annotate +700+650 '" + message + "' " + filepath
# Execute the command
call([timestampCommand], shell=True)
print("We have timestamped our picture.")
def tempMonitor():
print("About to take a reading.")
temp = float(getTemp())
print("Out temp is: " + str(temp))
if temp > float(triggerTemp):
message = "LED_ON"
print("Transmitting data.")
response = transmit(message)
while True:
#motionState = P3picam.motion()
#if motionState:
# currentTime = getTime()
# picName = captureImage(currentTime, picPath)
# timeStamp(currentTime, picPath, picName)