You can copy / paste the code below if you’re having issues with typos or want a shortcut. However I recommend that you follow along in the tutorial to understand what is going on!
import spidev
from time import sleep
# First open up SPI bus
spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0)
# Initialize what sensor is where
lightChannel = 0
tempChannel = 1
sleepTime = 1
def getReading(channel):
# First pull the raw data from the chip
rawData = spi.xfer([1, (8 + channel) << 4, 0])
# Process the raw data into something we understand.
processedData = ((rawData[1]&3) << 8) + rawData[2]
return processedData
def convertVoltage(bitValue, decimalPlaces=2):
voltage = (bitValue * 3.3) / float(1023)
voltage = round(voltage, decimalPlaces)
return voltage
def convertTemp(bitValue, decimalPlaces=2):
# Converts to degrees Celsius
temperature = ((bitValue * 330)/float(1023) - 50)
temperature = round(temperature, decimalPlaces)
return temperature
while True:
lightData = getReading(lightChannel)
tempData = getReading(tempChannel)
lightVoltage = convertVoltage(lightData)
tempVoltage = convertVoltage(tempData)
temperature = convertTemp(tempData)
print("Light bitValue = {} ; Voltage = {} V".format(lightData, lightVoltage))
print("Temp bitValue = {} ; Voltage = {} V ; Temp = {} C".format(\
tempData, tempVoltage, temperature))